Friday, March 7, 2008

Meet Piper - Pet's Daily Newspaper " As The Squillion World Spins" Reporter

Hi, I'm Piper, Pet's Daily Reporter. I have many unnamed sources that keep me in the know on all the characters, their backgrounds and secrets of As The Squillion World Spins! There are many stories just simmering on the surface. Stay tuned for an exciting, intriguing and sometimes hilarious Feline Soap Opera!
Did you hear the latest buzz about Olivia McKatten and a certain younger ManCat!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

We Florida Squillions Are Taking Over This Blog

Hello Cat Blogoshpere Kitties. I am Bernard Jameson, President of the Daytona FL Squillions. We are hearby taking over this Blog from Samantha & Tigger's Mom. She has had this blog since December of last year and the only thing we have to show for it is a Post taking about a Feline Soap Opera! And as you can see there is not one yet!! So we will have to do it ourselves. Samantha & Tigger were kind enough to show us on
Squillions Day and since then we have been planning this takeover.

This is Lucky Sam and OJ Tigger!

This is Miss Ariel!

This is Star, Copykat Mimoew Black and Olivia! We will introduce you to the rest of the gang in the following days! It's nice to have our own Blog and be part of the Cat Blogosphere!